People I know with Blogs

Posted on 7:46 PM by nakedlogic | 0 comments

I found out somebody else I knew had a blog. It's weird. It seems like since I've started, I've been more hypersensitive to any news pertaining to blogs. Seeing as Mormons are commanded to keep a record of their life, I don't think that I should be surprised at all the people I've discovered with blogs.

I'm pretty certain that I'm keeping this blog for that same reason. I haven't looked back in so long. But I think thats mostly because there hasn't been anything behind me that I've wanted to see. Like touring an orphanage; nothing to see there.

Ok, while that may have been a little brutal, I think its not that unreasonable to compare my past to an orphanage.

A lot of the blogs that I've seen have been pretty superficial, a point that I'll desperately try not to digress to. I want to keep a record of what was going on through my head at this point in time, for each post that I do. I want to look back and see the person speaking to the reader in the future. I am writing to myself.  This is who this blog is for.


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